Separation Agreements
When couples separate, there are a number of decisions that must be made and many issues to be resolved, which, depending on the circumstances, may include legal obligations surrounding child and spousal support, the division of property and assets, and arrangements surrounding parenting. A Separation Agreement is a legal document that encompasses in writing, the decisions that couples have made in dealing with all of these important issues arising after the breakdown of a relationship. There are a number of ways that a Separation Agreement may be negotiated. Couples may use the services of a mediator and obtain legal advice on specific issues during the mediation or at the end of the negotiation process. Mediation may be conducted with both parties’ lawyers present throughout the mediation. An individual may also retain his or her own lawyer, who, in advocating for their client, will negotiate an Agreement through correspondence and meetings with the other party’s lawyer.
No matter which process is chosen, Kirsty can assist in the creation of a clear, comprehensive Separation Agreement encompassing the legal issues and decisions necessary as a result of the relationship breakdown.
Photo by Mari Helin on Unsplash